Samsung has revealed the roadmap for Android 10 updates for Galaxy smartphones in India. The rollout will start with Samsung Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note 10 receiving the upgrade in January 2020. Interestingly, for the first time, the Galaxy A and M series will also get the stable Android 10 update, including the One UI 2.0 skin alongside the rollout on the Galaxy S10 and Note 10. By September 2020, all eligible Galaxy devices are scheduled to receive the update. Here is a complete list of all the smartphones that will get the update and when they will start receiving it. Samsung Android 10 Roadmap The phase one of the rollout will begin in January 2020, in which Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9+ (Review) , Galaxy Note 9 (Review) , Galaxy S10 , Galaxy S10+ (Review) , Galaxy S10e (Review) , Galaxy Note 10 and the Galaxy Note 10+ (Review) , along with the Galaxy M20 , Galaxy M30 (Review) , and the Galaxy A30 (Review) , will receive the upgrade. Phase two will be ...