Telegram adds bunch of features including new Theme Editor, Send When Online, Podcast support and much more
End to end encrypted messaging app Telegram has announced a whole bunch of new features that will be seen on the app soon. These features were announced in a blog post last night. Being a security focused app, Telegram will now let developers who make open source apps to independently verify their code on GitHub and ensure that it is the same code that was used to build the app they downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store. The new features coming to Telegram have already started rolling out. Here are the major features. New Theme Editor 2.0 via GIPHY You will need to head to Chat Settings (Android) or Appearance Settings (iOS) to tweak how your Telegram interface looks. From changing the background to changing the chat window gradients, you can tweak the look to your heart's content. You also have predefined colour themes, where you can further tweak some things. Send When Online via GIPHY Telegram already had a feature to schedule your messages when th...