India has reported its first confirmed case of novel coronavirus in Kerala, the Ministry of Health and Family welfare confirmed. The patient is a student from Kerala, who had returned from Wuhan and was studying in Wuhan University in China. Wuhan is the epicentre of the virus and it spread from a wet market, which has now been shut down. The patient is reported to be in a stable condition, isolated and is being monitored closely. People wearing masks to protect themselves from the coronavirus that is spreading all over the world. Credit: AP "One positive case of Novel Coronavirus patient, of a student studying in Wuhan University, has been reported in Kerala," the Health Minister was quoted as saying by NDTV . In Kerala, one person each from Thrissur, Thiruvananthapuram, Pathanamthitta and Malappuram and three from Ernakulam district have been kept in isolation wards of various helath centres, PTI reported. As a precautionary measure, health authorities in I...