Royal Enfield just recently launched the Scram 411 in India, for a price of Rs 2.03 Lakh (ex-showroom). But, the question lingering in the minds of most buyers will be how different is it really from the Himalayan ADV? For starters, the name suggests that it is a 'scrambler' category of motorcycle, which is slightly different from the adventurer-tourer style of the Himalayan. Secondly, the Scram is Rs 11,000 cheaper than Himalayan, and there are a number of reasons for that as well. First and foremost is the fact that Scram only comes with a single, offset-mounted, instrument cluster. The Tripper navigation system is an optional extra, and it has to be said, looks a lot simpler than the Himalayan's instrument panel. The Scram also comes with seven different colour options, as compared to the Himalayan's six. On the whole, Royal Enfield has used brighter and more youthful colours for the Scram. The Himalayan, though, has a more understated and functional look, overall. ...