A lot of Elon Musk’s opinions around Twitter and the way the platform functions have been hot takes, which, to be honest, haven’t always landed that well with a lot of people, especially at Twitter. Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, usually agrees with the tech billionaire. Well, it seems that Elon Musk’s recent tweet on Twitter’s algorithm hasn’t landed well with Dorsey, which positions them at loggerheads. When Musk had announced that he would be acquiring Twitter for $44 Billion and will be making some sweeping changes to the platform, Dorsey publicly endorsed the changes that Musk was speaking of. Musk recently tweeted out that Twitter users ought to change the manner in which their Twitter feed is presented to them, stating that the algorithm manipulates users in ways they don’t realise. Ideally, the tweets that appear on your timeline should appeal in a reverse chronological manner, that is, the latest tweets should appear first, irrespective of the context, or t...