Asus Zenfone was launched last month in a few selected markets as probably one of the most pocket-friendly, feature-packed handsets of 2022. The smartphone, with its small-ish form factor, and top-notch specifications, impressed tech enthusiasts all over the world. Unfortunately, Asus did not launch the device in India in July . However, if certain rumours are to be believed, the device may be launched in India this week, probably, on 23 August, and will be renamed as the Asus 9z. The Asus Zenfone 9 boasts the latest Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 Soc, a gimbal-mounted main camera, an improved battery, and a whole lot more. Naturally, then, the device has the Indian tech community very excited. We check the specifications of the Indian version of the Asus Zenfone 9, its expected pricing and availability. Asus Zenfone 9: Specifications for India The Asus Zenfone 9, or the Asus 9z, will be provided in India with the same 5.9-inch FullHD+ AMOLED display, which has a refresh rate of 120Hz. The ...